Some People Are Such Strangers To The Truth They Forget The Power Of Truth
They are often astounded and appalled when someone speaks a simple truth honestly that everyone sees as clearly evident. Reality quickly destroys all their deceptions.
Speaking truth powerfully is often a question of choosing and presenting facts wisely.
When arguing a case or presenting a message, let verifiable facts carry your message. Making a judgment, saying something is wrong usually carries much less power.
Truth is often less a matter of simple right or wrong and more a vibrant vision of honest reality that everyone can see.
So paint your visions of reality truthfully, honestly and powerfully with facts everyone sees and values.
The Seven S's can help you identify and present truths powerfully and authentically.
Paint visions of reality truthfully with verified facts that carry and convey your message.
Copyright © 1999-2008 Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, distributed or rewritten without permission from the author.