Do You Ever Feel Run Over in Meetings? Diminished? Disparaged? Ignored? Disregarded?
Hold your own. Defend your turf, your ideas, your future, your promotions and your career!
Powerful, dominant people like to control meetings, direct the processes and the people who attend them.
Use these strategies to hold your ground and defend your turf from competitors and rivals in nice, powerful, personable and positive ways.
Fans of Magnetic Voice will recognize many techniques from that program.
Continually Radiate Confidence and Relaxed, Energized Well-being.
Smile As You Speak. Speak slowly, powerfully, purposefully. Project your voice to the back of the room. Push back powerfully, personably and positively.
Don't Disagree, Argue or Say, "No!" State contrary positions in clear, positive, compelling terms. Emphasize and expand the benefits and rewards of your suggestion and the dangers of doing it differently.
Share goals and ideals EVERYONE can embrace and few can fault.
Take this lesson from history... President Lincoln didn't criticize the Confederacy in his Gettysburg Address and Dr. King didn't run down bigots in his I Have A Dream speech.
Instead, Lincoln talked about "a government of the people, for the people and by the people" where "all men are created equal." Dr. King's dream was a future where his children "will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Strong, powerful visions that united our country behind a common goal and changed the world.
How can you be more like them?
Speak with Dominant People's Rhythm, Beat, Phrasing and Tone - Study the rhythm, beat, phrasing and tone of dominant people's speech and use it when you speak. You will sound more like them and your communications will appear more powerful.
Learn Their Lingo, Talk Their Language. But always keep it clean, elegant, powerful, above board.
Use Humor, Fun, Jokes and Amusement Liberally and Aggressively. Avoid sarcasm and ridicule.
Grab Agreement and Compliments Every Way You Can. If they try to steal your idea, tell them you are delighted they agree and support YOUR suggestion. Rehearse, prepare powerful, positive defensive lines ready to counter credit grabbers. Smile, say "Oh, I am so glad you approve. Can we count on your support as I lead the effort to get it done?"
Leaders Define Expectations, They Don't Let Expectations Define Them! ~ Michele Moore
Be Eager to Influence NOT Eager to Please - Be eager to exert your authority and share your opinion. This is very different from seeking approval. You want respect. Approval and affection are for lap dogs.
Don't Look to Audiences for Approval. You Won't Get It.
Looking for Approval Gives Adversaries Power and Control of Your Feelings.
Hook Attention with Abundant Agreement and Positive Energy - Agree and direct the discussion your way. Positive energy attracts attention and makes people want to listen.
Learn to Interrupt Effectively - If interruption is part of your corporate culture, learn to do it well.
Interrupt by saying the speaker's name while they are talking. Roy can become a four syllable word until he stops talking. Say their name first, then state your key point.
Don’t begin with your comment, you won't be heard and don’t have the group's attention.
Project a Powerful Physical Presence - Project Your Voice Slowly, Clearly, Powerfully.
Plan Your Physical Position Carefully - sitting next to a big boss often tends to transfer their power to you in other people’s perceptions.
Sit Across from the Boss when You Want To Get Their Attention - Sit in a prominent position where they will see you continually during the meeting.
Remember Right Hand People Tend To Favor Their Left Side - If you are right handed you will tend to direct your attention to the left hand side of the room and overlook and even ignore people on your right side.
Push Back Powerfully, Purposefully, with Positive Personality.
Radiate Confident, Energized, Relaxed Well-Being.
Smile as You Speak with Confidence and Certainty!
Copyright © 1999-2008, Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. This material may NOT be published, broadcast, distributed or rewritten without written permission or email info at Comment Below!